Development of E-Book Animal Ecology for Biology Students Education

Lukky Jet Zarmi Chandra, Abdul Razak


This research is based on problems found in the field, namely the impracticality of the available teaching materials. From this problem the researchers distributed a questionnaire to see the obstacles experienced by students in animal ecology lectures. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for students to obtain teaching materials in the form of valid, practical and effective e-books. This research is a development research using the PLUM development model. The plomp development model consists of 3 stages, namely the initial investigation stage, the development stage and the assessment stage. Based on the development and testing of animal ecology textbook e-books, the results of the development of animal ecology textbook e-books are as follows, the validity of the e-book animal ecology textbooks developed has very valid criteria with a value of 85.22%, the practicality of e- Animal ecology textbook developed according to the lecturer is very practical with a value of 86.64%, and according to students it has very practical criteria with a value of 83.78%, the effectiveness of animal ecology textbook e-books developed according to knowledge competence is obtained with very effective criteria , according to the competency of attitudes obtained by the criteria very effective with an average of 84.81%, and according to the competency skills obtained by the criteria very effective with an average of 86.29%. Thus the animal ecology e-book can be used by lecturers and students in the lecture process.





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