Development Of Information Services Module To Improve Self-Efficacy Of Hospitalized Hypertension Patients At Pariaman Regional General Hospital

Amril Amril, Mudjiran Mudjiran, Firman Firman


Development of information services module to improve self-efficacy of inpatient hypertension patients at the Pariaman regional general hospital, West Sumatra Province. This research was developed based on the results of an analysis of the needs of inpatient hypertension patients based on hypertension data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 which showed about 1.13 billion people in the world. have hypertension, meaning that 1 in 3 people in the world are diagnosed with hypertension. This study aims to develop an information service module to improve the self-efficacy of inpatient hypertension patients at the Pariaman regional general hospital, West Sumatra Province. Researchers need to solve this problem through research and development using the ADDIE model. Data collection techniques using interview guidelines and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques in the form of percentages. Validation of the information service module to improve self-efficacy is determined based on expert responses. The practicality of the information service module to improve Self-efficacy is determined based on expert responses to the practicality of this module. From the results of this study, it was obtained an information service to improve self-efficacy by producing a product in the form of an information service module book to improve the self-efficacy of inpatient hypertension patients that was valid, practical, and effective to use. The findings in this study can be used by inpatients of hypertension inpatients to improve the Self-efficacy of hypertensive patients at Pariaman hospital.


information services, hypertension, self-efficacy

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