Analysis Of Nouns In The Accusative Cases In Arabic

Rahmatullaev Yunuskhon, G'oyibboeva Rayhona


This article examines the categories of case in the Arabic language. An analysis of the category of case was made from the point of view of Arabic linguistics. The main objective of this article is the accusative case in Arabic, its methods and uses.


Future Tense, Absolute Maf'ul, Nouns, Time And Place, Al-Maf'ul Bihi (Indirect Complement), Al-Maf'ulu-L-Mutlaq (Self-Complement), Al-Maf'ul Lahu Or Maf'ul Liajlihi (Cause And Effect) Target State), Al-Maf'ul Fihi (Time And Place), Maf'ul Ma'ahu (Joint Co

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