Filling Lexical Gaps In The Uzbek Language With Dialectisms (Based On The Turkic-Kaltatoy Dialect)

Khasanov Abdumannon Majidovich


This article is devoted to filling the lexical gaps in the Uzbek language with dialectisms. The article shows the norms and criteria for enriching lexical gaps in modern Uzbek literary language with dialectics. The mechanisms of application of these criteria are explained by examples. These principles are specific to most languages and are formed in a particular language on the basis of the literary norms of that language. In the course of the research, the gaps identified in the process of comparing the lexicon of the Uzbek literary language and folk dialects were analyzed. That is, the idea of literaryizing dialectisms that express concepts that are lexical lacunae in literary language was considered. Dialectisms common in the Turkic-Kaltatay dialect have been studied to delineate and define the object of study. The meaning of dialectisms deemed appropriate for literaryization is explained and sentences related to their application are given. It is based on the need to introduce dialectisms, which are actively used in folk dialects, into the lexicon of literary language. Recommendations were made to continue working in this direction. In conclusion, it is emphasized that serious attention should be paid to filling lexical gaps with dialectics in order to maintain the purity of language and ensure its development.


Language Development, Lexicon, Lexical Lacuna, Literary Norm, Literaryization, Dialect, Dialectism, Turkish-Kaltatoi Dialect Lexicon, Linguistic Need, Popularity, Vocabulary Enrichment.

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