Development of Learning Instructions Based on The Model Eliciting Activities (MEAS) Approach to Improve Students Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of Students Class X Senior High School Padang

Yerizon Yerizon, Riza Pahlevi, Ali Asmar


Students' mathematical problem solving abilities have not been achieved optimally. One of the causal factors is the unavailability of learning instructions that can facilitate students to improve their mathematical problem solving skills. This is the basis for developing mathematics learning instructions in the form of lesson plans and student worksheets based on the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach which can facilitate students to improve their mathematical problem solving skills. The purpose of this study is to produce learning instructions based on the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach that are valid and practical to improve the mathematical problem solving abilities of students class X Senior High School. The research subjects were students of class X Senior High School Padang. This research is a development research with the Plomp model. Because of Covid-19 pandemic situation, this research only did the preliminary research stage and the development stage. At the development stage, the design and assessment of learning instructions is carried out through the stages of formative evaluation. This study produced learning instructions in the form of lesson plans and student worksheets  based on the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach that met valid and practical criteria to improve the mathematical problem solving abilities of students class X of Senior High School Padang


Learning Instructions, MEAs Approach, Problem Solving

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