Structure Analysis Of Policy Needs For Sustainable Food Agricultural Land In Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan
Agricultural land has an important role in life, especially in providing food for the community, therefore government policies, both central and regional are needed in maintaining its existence. The policy of protecting sustainable agricultural food land was one of the efforts, therefore it was necessary to carry out sustainable management of the land. This study aimed to obtain a policy needs structure model on sustainable food agriculture land in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Requirement structure design was needed in the framework of sustainable management policies. Requirement structure modeling was done using Interpretative Structural Modeling. It was a strategic modeling technique that can map system conditions comprehensively. The results of the analysis showed that there was an element of need that can make the policy successful. There were also, the sub-element of supervision, control, coaching, development and research activities. Based on the driven power, the sub-elements that are the key factors in the elements of the need for sustainable food agriculture land in Banjar Regency were coaching and supervision.
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