Relationship between Work Capacity, Work Motivation and Opportunity to Participate in The Discretionary Behavior of Private Islamic Higher Education Lecturers in Lampung Province

Esen Pramudya Utama, Ahmad Syukri, Risnita Risnita


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between work capacity, work motivation and the opportunity to participate, either partially or simultaneously, with the discretionary behavior of private Islamic higher education lecturers. This research is a quantitative survey study conducted at private Islamic universities in the province of Lampung. Population of 145 persons and samples using total sampling. Hypothesis testing uses the Pearson product moment correlation technique analysis and multiple regression, with a significance level of 5 per cent alpha (α = 0.05). This study resulted in four findings: 1) the work capacity variable has a relationship with the discretionary behavior of the lecturer; 2) the work motivation variable has a relationship with the discretionary behavior of the lecturer; 3) the opportunity to participate in the variable has a relationship with the discretionary behavior of the lecturer; 4) at the same time, work capacity, work motivation and opportunity.

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