Development Of Chemical Learning Module On Hydrocarbon Based On Guided Inquiry With Chemical Literation Of Students In SMK

Kenny Baizura, Hardeli Hardeli


Chemistry is one of the subject learned at the technical and business motor cycle of Vocational School. One of the sub material learned is hydrocarbon. Based on the interview with some of the teachers, it can be concluded that students' motivation and being active in learning process are still low. Therefore, researcher think that there should be a developing on learning module to increase students' encouragement. The purpose of this research is to develop a valid, practical and effective based on guided  inquiry based with chemistry literacy. This is a research and development study using 4 D model consist of define, design, development and disseminate. The guided inquiry based module had been validated by three experts and tested to 2 chemistry teachers and 32 mechanic technical students at first semester of technical and business motorcycle of Vocational School to see the practical level and effectivity of the developed module. The data of validity and practicality testing is taken from the quetionnaire from teachers and students of technical and business motorcycle and which was descriptively analyzed with Momment kappa. The data of effectivity testing was taken from students' comprehension. Mean score of momment kappa formula for validity of guided inquiry based module is 0,48 dan based on the questionnaire for lecturers, the mean score is 0.95. The mean score of students' questionnaire is 0.83. The highest mean score of  effectivity testing of students comprehension is 83,2. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the guided inquiry based module is valid,practical and effective with meet the level of very high category


Module, Guided Inquiry, Chemical Literacy, Hydrocarbons

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