Influence Of Induction Of The Latent Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus On Reproductive Characteristics Of The Silkworm Bombyx Mori L.

Ismatullaeva Diloram Adilovna, Begmatov Toir Mukhtarovich


This article presents the results of the effect of cold induction of latent nuclear polyhedrosis virus on the reproductive performance of silkworm. It has been established that as a result of the induction of latent nuclear polyhedrosis virus and strict selection for all reproductive indicators, fertility increases. An analysis of the physiological defects in clutches showed that the breed Ipakchi 2 has a significant decrease in comparison with the years in 2018 (4,6 %), in 2019 (0,9 %) and in 2020 (1,9 %). All other experimental breeds and lines have a fairly low physiological defect rate – 1,7-2,0 %. According to the results of the analysis of the initial clutches (F3), the grains of the rocks and lines were selected for the tribe all the analyzed clutches. In subsequent generations, a more rigorous selection by reproductive indicators will be carried out.


Sericulture, Silkworm, Nuclear Polyhedrosis, Cocoon, Viability, Resistance.

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