Practicality of Development of Question Biology Science Based on Scientific Literacy on the Organism Classification and the Material and it’s Changes Classification and Energy in Life for Junior High School Students of Class VII Semester I

Yeni Agustin, Zulyusri ., Syamsurizal .


This research is motivated by the unavailability of question based on scientific literacy in school. This is caused by teachers do not recognize of scientific literacy and scientific literacy assessment standards in PISA studies and teacher have not been trained to make question of based scientific literacy. To solve the problem the author develop of question biology science based on scientific literacy the organism classification and the material and its changes classification and energy in life for junior high school students of class VII semester 1.

The purpose of the research is to produce of problem based on scientific literacy that is valid, reliably and practically. This type of research is the development by using models Plomp which consists of preliminary phase, the prototype phase and assessment phase. The instrument used were  question based on scientific literacy, validation instrument to collect validity data, instrument of practicality to know the practical level of problem, instrument reliability to find out the test score when tested many times.

The research results shows validity of the matter logically and empirically is 68.06%, the resulting product is valid to improve the scientific literacy of students. The practically test for by teachers to get the value of 78.12% and 89.03% assess students, so that the average be 83.60% with very practical criteria. Reliability of about 0.43% with a medium level of reliability.


Scientific Literacy; Validity; Practicality.

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