Digitalization Adoption in Shipping Business Services. Case study: Libya

Ali Bakeer, Abdulbaset Albaour


In last decade, the increasing number of failing digitalization initiatives is alarming, and the insufficient attention paid to the risks of electronic business (e-business) issues and their management continues to be a key element of these project failures. While number of practical developments in e-business applications is increasing, the increase of implementation processes failures continues to be at an alarming level. This process requires a clear plan to ensure the successful implementation of e-business applications. The study aims is to analyses the necessary progress and steps needed for successful digitalization processes implementation in business organizations. The main scope is the minimization of e-business risk. The approach taken is to identify and minimize the potential risks and to define a strategy of pre-arrangement progress in digitalization projects based on Frank's Model. A unified framework and empirically tested using collected data from field study involved participants from Shipping Service Enterprise in Libya, represented by senior managers in core company management processes. The case findings suggest that people, process and technology dimensions are considered to be the key issues of digitalization adoption in the shipping services sector in Libya. An implementation strategy developed centered on HEEK's model concluded with suggestions as to how digitalization processes can better support e-business management and implementation. The contributions of this paper include the identification and description of critical digitalization barriers and develop an implementation strategy for organizations grounded on the understanding of different roles of key dimensions with strategic alignment role of technology, people and processes.


Information systems, e-business, strategy, Libya, shipping services, Process, Innovation.

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