Development Of Pisa-Oriented Problem Based Learning Media To Improve Mathematic Problem Solving Abilities Of VII Grade Junior High School Students

Lathifah Yulyanisa, Yerizon Yerizon, Ali Asmar


The learning media used in schools, such as worksheet, are not optimal yet to help students build their understanding. For this reason, it is necessary to develop learning media so that they can provide opportunities for students to find their own concepts and can be remembered for a long time. This study developed a PISA-oriented problem-based learning (PBL) media. This research was a development research (R&D). This research used the Plomp model which consisted of three stages, namely the preliminary research stage, the prototyping phase, and the assessment phase. At the preliminary research stage, needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, student analysis was applied. In the prototype-making phase, a prototype development was applied which had been validated and tested. Whereas in the assessment phase, the developed prototype was tested and assessed for practicality and effectiveness, which was assessed by observation, questionnaires, and student learning outcomes. The validation of learning tools is viewed from the content validity and construct validity. The average value of the PISA-oriented PBL-based student worksheet validation was 3.57 with a very valid category. Based on the student response questionnaire, it was found that the learning media was practical with a percentage of 86.83%. Problem solving problems were given to test the effectiveness of the learning media being developed, and the results were these devices are effective for use. After all stages of development, it was concluded that the media being developed were valid, practical, and effective.


Keyword: Problem based learning (PBL), Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

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