Thinking Ability Analysis High-Level Using Problems In Class VIII TIMSS MTsN Flat In The District Land

Salmah Yusuf, Azwir Anhar, Abdul Razak, Ramadhan Sumarmin


this study originated from the lack of high-level thinking skills in science class VIII Indonesia. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS) 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011 showed the average value of science students are respectively 435, 420, 427, and 406 from the average standard 500. Low scores reflect low acquisition Indonesian students IPA implementation and reasoning ability of Indonesian students. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the ability of students' higher-order thinking and the factors that influence it.

This study is a descriptive study conducted in MTsN Batusanggkar, MTsN Paninjauan and MTsN Sungai Jambu in Tanah Datar. The instrument used to collect data is the text of TIMSS 2011 test questions and the interview guides for teachers and students. The achievement of students seen by the content domain, cognitive domain. The results of the 65 students in the district of Tanah Datar MTsN obtained 26.2% of students with high-level thinking skills with sedangdan level of 73.8% of students have a low level thinking skills. The achievement of high thinking skills tests eighth grade students in Tanah Datar content of 36.6% based domain. Cognitive domain application domain 36.8%, while 40.2% of cognitive reasoning. Based on interviews with teachers and students, the cause of the low ability students' higher-order thinking is students have never worked on about TIMSS. Questions used in different schools with about TIMSS given, lack of interest in reading the students, as well as lack of implementation and reasoning abilities of students


Descriptive TIMSS, the ability to think critically, MTsN

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