An Analysis of Scientific Literacy of Students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang and of SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang

Dea Wahyu Sartika, Yuni Ahda


This study aimed to describe the results of the analysis of scientific literacy skills of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang and SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang. This research is descriptive research. The technique of sampling was purposive sampling. The data collection technique used the PISA scientific literacy questions of 2015 and was supported by interviews between students and a teacher. The data analysis technique was carried out by calculating the average value of the students’ scientific literacy test results. The technique of checking the validity of the data used triangulation. The results showed that the achievement of students’ scientific literacy was in the low category. The conclusion of this study is the achievement of the result of the scientific literacy test of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang and SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang based on the total score showed that the ability of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang in answering scientific literacy questions is higher than the students of SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang.


21th Century Education; Analysis; Scientific Literacy; Science.

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