The Validity of the E-Book on Integrated Physics for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Materials

Fitrah Ayu, Ahmad Fauzi


Physics is a branch of natural science that studies natural phenomena and their changes. Earthquakes are one of the natural phenomena that often hit parts of Indonesia, especially the city of Padang. Earthquakes have an impact on the sustainability of society. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the e-book on integrated Physics disaster mitigation materials based on discovery learning. Research and Development / R&D is the method used in this research. Research and development methods are used to produce products and test these products. The validity questionnaire is an instrument used in this study. This validity questionnaire includes five aspects, namely content feasibility, presentation feasibility, language feasibility, graphic feasibility, and media feasibility. Earthquake disaster mitigation needs to be integrated into the Physics e-book considering that Indonesia is a region prone to earthquakes. So that the development of an integrated Physics e-book with valid discovery learning-based earthquake mitigation material is carried out. E-book Integrated physics of valid discovery learning-based earthquake disaster mitigation materials can be used in the learning process in schools, to reduce the impact caused by earthquake disasters.


E-Book, Validity, Eartquake, Mitigation

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