Analysis of the Need for the Development of Authentic Assessment Instrument in Biology Learning in Class XI MIA SMA Semester 2

Novera Dwinda, Lufri ., Syamsurizal ., Ramadhan Sumarmin


This study aimed to describe the learning process Biology, describes the assessment instruments used in learning and knowing the problems concerning the authentic assessment in schools. This type of research is descriptive research. Object of research is a teacher of Biology and MIA in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari. Data collection instruments used were interview and questionnaire sheet. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that: 1) the teachers difficulties in implementing authentic assessment because of the many instruments that should be made by teachers to assess learners, 2) teachers are still using assessment multiple-choice test to measure students' cognitive abilities, while the attitude and psychomotor no instrument vote, 3) teachers and students need a model of authentic assessment instruments developed especially in the subjects of biology, so it is not in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, 2013.


Assessment instruments, Authentic assessments, Teaching Biology

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