Deaf Disability Interaction And Information Space On Social Media Platform
Deaf disability interaction and information sharing space on social media platform means that there are deaf disability-friendly aspects to inclusiveness, through accessibility available on social media as a form of equality as well as the same opportunity to communicate with hearing dominant people.
The concepts applied in this study were New Media and Social Media, which were supported by the theory of media determinism and equipped with the concept of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the concept of Deafness.
This was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This study aims to determine the communication process that occurs in social media regarding the benefits to be obtained by deaf people for various kinds of things or motives.
The results of this study found that social media has become a provider of new space as a tool that helps the deaf people in accommodating the need for updating information so that it becomes a space that may reduce the distance between hearing people and deaf people, as well as a medium that becomes a means of activism with the aim of providing awareness about Deaf people and their rights.
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