The Influence of Organizational Culture and Intrinsic Motivation on Service Quality at State Electricity Company (PLN) (Persero) UP2B North Sumatra
This study aims to test and analyze empirically the influence of organizational culture and employee intrinsic motivation on service quality of employees of State Electricity Company (PLN) (Persero) UP2B North Sumatra. Service is an activity or benefit that does not have a form and does not result in the ownership of something that is given by one party to another. Good service will be seen from the organizational culture run by the company. Organizational culture is a collection of values held by the company and underlies how to manage and organize the company in order to achieve its goals. Meanwhile, the desire to provide the best service must be based on adequate motivation. The function of motivation is to encourage someone to do something or as a driving force of any activity that is being carried out, besides that it is also a determinant of the direction of action that is adjusted to the goals or desires achieved. In this study data collected on 75 employees in State Electricity Company (PLN) (Persero) UP2B North Sumatra and using Likert Scale for all variables. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of organizational culture and intrinsic motivation together on the service quality of employees. This means that the higher simultaneously the influence of organizational culture and the intrinsic motivation of employees, the higher the quality of service displayed by employees. Vice versa, the lower the joint influence of organizational culture and intrinsic motivation, the lower the service quality displayed by employees. The magnitude of the influence of organizational culture and intrinsic motivation on service quality in this study was 72.7% which was classified as very influential.
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