Propotication with Bifidobacterium Longum BB536 into Different Sudanese Local Rice Types
Probotication (addition of probiotic) with Bifidobacterium longum BB536 to beverages formulated from three different Sudanese rice types denoted locally (Crown, Narica and Pabenjeda) was assessed in this study. 10% rice (w/v) was cooked at 60 ºC using a hot plate for 7 min; after cooling 1g of fetarita sorghum malt was added for liquification followed by addition of10% whey (v/v) and 1% hashab gum (w/v). The mix was sterilized at 121 ºC for 15 min., cooled to 37 ºC, 3 % active strain BB.536 starter culture was added and incubated at 37 ºC for 36 hrs (maximum strain BB536 viable count). Different analyses were carried out for final fermented rice beverages including physiochemical properties (TSS, pH, Acidity), growth and survival of strain BB 536. During fermentation the maximum growth of strain BB 536 was accompanied with significant (p<0.05) increases in strain BB 536 viable count and acidy. However, there were also significant (p<0.05) reductions in pH and TSS. The level of strain BB536 growth in all fermented beverages was improved by supplementation with whey and further improved more by supplementation with whey and hashab gum. The rates of strain BB536 increases in all fermented rice beverages were in range of 5.24 - 6.99 log CFU/ml. The maximum viable number of strain BB 536 in all fermented rice beverages was attained at 36 h incubation (except in fermented Narica rice beverage at 30 h) and ranged between 9.83 - 9.87 log CFU/m. These numbers exceed the amount required to presence in probiotic food which at least 6 log CFU/ ml. Moreover, at three weeks refrigeration storage the viable counts of strain BB 536 still fulfil probiotic requirement. Therefore, probiotication of rice beverages with strain BB.536 was successful to develop probiotic functional food.
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