The Validity of the Development of Integrated Islam and Science Learning Module completed with a Concept Map for Integrated Islamic Junior High School
Based on the analysis of data collected through observation and interviews with science teachers and some students in the integrated Islamic junior high school. The main problem found is the absence of a module that is integrated with Islam and Science, so far the teacher does not have special teaching materials for learning that is integrated with Islam and Science, the teacher only uses science learning books that are still dry with Islamic values. These problems make it difficult for teachers to carry out an integrated learning process of Islam and Science. Students have difficulty understanding the learning material, causing low science learning outcomes of students.
This study aims to develop a valid integrated science learning module of Islam and Science equipped with a concept map for class VII at Integrated Islamic Junior High School. This type of research is a research development (Research and development) using the Plomp model. The Plomp development model consists of three stages including the preliminary research phase, the development or prototyping phase and the assessment phase. The data collection instrument is a module validation sheet. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the Integrated Science Islamic and Science learning module is equipped with a concept map with the results of 90% didactic aspect scores, 91 constructional aspects, 85% technical aspects and an average score of 88.85%, this shows that the module developed is very high valid. Then the module can be continued to the practicality and effectiveness test phase.
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