Effect of Learning Model Problem Based Learning Assisted LKPD of Competence to Learn Biology Students Class XI SMA State 12 Padang

Elsa Purnamasari, Azwir Anhar, Linda Advinda, Ramadhan Sumarmin


This study begins with the learning outcomes of students is still low. Factors that cause low learning outcomes of learners such as the selection of less precise learning models. The authors get a picture of the observation that the process of biology learning in schools has not been as expected where the implementation of learning is not a student center and still focused on the teacher as a source of information so that learners receive whatever given by the teacher. In addition, when the teacher Explains in front of the class there is no feedback from learners, the learners are not focused and less active, the learning takes place when the learner Appears to be talking to each other students. So they seem not to follow the course of learning. This is seen when the teacher Asks a question, the which answers only one or two learners.

This research includes quasi-experimental research (Quasi Experimental Reasearch). In this design the learners samples are grouped into two classes: the experimental class and the control class. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling technique and got class XI IPA 2 as experimental class and class XI IPA 5 as the control class. The instruments used are objective tests and observation sheet. Data analysis techniques to test the hypothesis are the t-test for cognitive domain competence and Mann-Whitney U test for the competence of affective and psychomotor spheres.

Based on the analysis of the data and discussion, Obtained in the form of Conclusions items, namely: cognitive, affective and spikomotor student learning competencies that follow the learning of Problem Based Learning assisted LKPD better than students who follow the conventional learning with the average value of experimental and 87.7 cognitive control class class 80.35, 79.93 affective class experimental class and control class 71.76 and the mean value of psychomotor class gutter 65.28 experimental class and control class 46.94.


Problem-based learning, LKPD, competence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v6.2.245


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