Development of Guidance and Counseling Information Service Toolkit to Anticipate the Spread of Covid-19 at School
The world is currently on alert for the spread of a virus known as covid-19. Every individual is at risk of experiencing anxiety about the Covid-19 pandemic. The variety of news about Covid-19 spread in various media, resulting in high levels of anxiety experienced by students. The importance of providing the correct information about covid-19 to students. So it is necessary to develop an information service device in the form of student worksheets along with guidelines for using student worksheets that contain material about anticipating Covid-19. The products developed were subjected to validation tests for content and media by experts, practical tests by counseling teachers/counselors and students. The assessment instrumentation is in the form of a questionnaire for validation and practical testing. The results of the analysis show that the student worksheets and user manuals developed are valid in terms of content and design and are practically used in the implementation of services by counselors and students. So it can be concluded that the service tools used to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 have fulfilled the elements of making a guidance and counseling service kit.
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