Formation of Protection Zones of Tangible and Cultural Heritage Objects on Republican and Local Significance

Erkin Isakov Khujayorovich, Ulugbek Rakhimov Abdullayevich


This article describes information on the state registration of objects of historical and cultural value, as well as maintaining the state cadastre of objects of tangible and cultural heritage and the list of objects of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In addition, the article presents recommendations on the implementation of the establishment of protective zones in the cultural environment of the objects of cultural heritage.

The procedure for the allocation and use of lands of historical and cultural significance, the establishment and protection of protection zones, zones for the construction of buildings and regulation of economic activity, protected natural landscape zones in adjacent territories are described. In addition, on the basis of the analysis of the main normative-legal documents regulating the formation of protective zones of cultural heritage objects, the stages of the creation of protective zones of cultural heritage objects of regional importance are detailed by the author.

This research work was carried out at the Samarkand State Architecture and Civil engineering Institute and was taken as an object of Registan complex located in the city of Smarkand for the formation of protection zones of cultural heritage objects of Republican and local significance, as well as for the formation of various protection zones of the object and the work was carried out to clarify in detail the economic and social significance of the work done.


cultural heritage sites, tangible cultural heritage sites, intangible cultural heritage sites, register, protected areas, development and economic activity regulation zone, protected natural landscape zone, coordinates list, UNESCO World Heritage List.

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