Analysis of The Implementation of Occupational Safety Program Efforts to Improve Work Productivity With Fault Tree Analysis Approach

Avando Bastari, Okol Sri Suharyo


The implementation of the Occupational Safety program for manpower is an important supporting business in production activities. Each work safety program consists of several elements of the program and its supporters. In this study the measurement of work safety efforts and value of safe T, frequency level to declare the number of accidents that occurred every 1 million working hours in the current period. The declining level of accidents and the severity of accidents from year to year will increase the productivity of the workforce. Besides, also to know the improvement of health and safety systems in the company based on the analysis gained. As well as identifying the root causes of accidents by building Fault Tree Analysis models. The results of the measurement of the T-value (Nts) rate of accidents today have decreased against the rate of past accident frequencies. Seen from the analysis of occupational safety relationship with productivity that the fewer accidents occur, the smaller the lost business day and resulting in higher levels of productivity.

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