The Role Of Principal Leadership In Improving The Quality Of Students In SMAN 9 - Padang City
A leader is very important in achieving the success and goals of an organization, as well as the principal who has an important role in achieving educational and learning goals. In leading school principals must have the professionalism to achieve educational goals, therefore school principals must play a role in the planning, supervision, etc. Improving the quality of schools is one of the goals to be achieved, so to improve the quality of the institution itself the principal must be able to foster and direct teachers to work professionally to improve the quality of students. This study aims to determine the efforts or strategies of school principals in improving the quality of students in SMA 9 - Padang City. The research approach used is qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of direct interviews with related speakers, i.e the principle of SMA 9 - Padang City. The results show that the principal acts as a manager, innovator, motivator by carrying out several efforts in improving the quality of students in SMA 9 - Padang City is trying to realize what is the vision and mission of the school, realizing active, effective and efficient learning, arousing interest and motivation student learning and trying to improve the character and moral values of students.
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