Discourse Analysis of Dating Prohibition on @Fuadbakh Instagram Account (Study on Ngga Pacaran Ngga Gaul Video Series Post)
The development of information and technology has changed people's lifestyle. one of the impacts is the shift in people's to a free lifestyle. The large number of content that displays free sexual behavior on social media makes it seem like this is something common. This is unsettling because it has an impact on the morals and morals of Muslims. Therefore there needs to be a massive and interesting counter of da'wah to influence the mindset of Muslims.
This study wants to find out how the discourse construction of dating prohibitions raised in the content of the Ngga Pacaran Ngga Gaul video series on the @fuadbakh Instagram account. According to Van Dijk, discourse analysis is a study of discourse that is not only based on text analysis alone, because text is only the result of production practice which must also be observed and how the text is produced. So that we gain knowledge why such texts are formed.
Based on the results of observations in this study, all strategic elements contained in the text, social cognition and social context of the Ngga Pacaran Ngga Gaul video series are directed to give a good impression of the prohibition of dating. Meanwhile, dating activities tend to be described as something wrong, deviant, and not in accordance with the teachings of Islamic law. In addition, Fuad Bakhtiar also mentioned a better solution to be taken in order to avoid immoral immorality, namely by encouraging marriage.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v23.2.2403
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