Making Modeling Control System Of The Use Of Electrical Energy In A Flight Engineering Department Building Stpi Curug - Tangerang

Suse Lamtiar, Nurhedhi Desriyanto, Robiansyah Robiansyah, Nawang Kalbuana


Daily activities cannot be separated from electrical energy. This energy is obtained from the state electricity provider, namely PLN, which has been distributed from the generator. The STPI Aviation Engineering Building is one of the consumers, in daily use the need for electrical energy cannot be controlled because the control of energy use is manual. Electrical energy that is not used properly will result in increased financing. For this reason, a control system for electricity use is made. This system is limited to monitoring the use of special sockets that serve large loads, namely air conditioning (AC = Air conditioner). This control is carried out from the observation of centralized control, namely the security post. Through the media, a small PLC will control the area of the room or floor that is monitored in the use of electrical energy. A MANUFACTURE OF CONTROL SYSTEM MODELING OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY USE IN A FLIGHT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING, STPI CURUG - TANGERANG

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