The Development of Beef Cattle Area Based On Potential Mapping of South Tapanuli Regency

Faisal Simamora


The aim of this study is to determine the suitability of land for the dominant and potential cattle breeding, to find out the areas with the highest potential value for cattle farming in order to be used as the focus of the development of beef cattle, and to formulate the direction of the development strategy of beef cattle in South Tapanuli. regency. This research uses theory in doing some analysis related to research literature by mixing and overlaying on primary and secondary data maps and SWOT analysis for policy strategies in livestock sector development. In the actual land suitability condition, all the land assessed in South Tapanuli Regency is Appropriate (S) as the ecological environment of beef cattle, namely Angkola Sangkunur covering 23,455.54 Ha, Batang Toru 28,762.03 Ha, East Angkola 13,832.83 Ha, Estuary Batang Toru 26,870.91 Ha, and South Angkola 16,353.34 Ha. Whereas in the case of potential land suitability, taking into account the natural conditions, it is found that all the land assessed in South Tapanuli Regency is suitable (S) as the ecological environment of beef cattle. The area that became the center of the development of large ruminant livestock (beef cattle) in South Tapanuli Regency based on the suitability of physical requirements and land suitability and supported the potential ranking and LQ analysis are Batang Toru, Angkola Sangkunur, Muara Batang Toru, East Angkola and South Angkola. Strategy that must be implemented in the framework of the development of beef cattle farming area for related stakeholders based on SWOT analysis result is tend to SO strategy, that is to make integrated policy and alignment of government program in the utilization of land area and natural resource potential and optimize community culture and utilization of technology and information.


Agricultural land use, livestock area, ecological of beef cattle, land suitability, Location Quotient , SWOT analysis and policy development direction

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