Development of Prediction Model for Childhood Diarrhea Based on Maternal Care Variables, Characteristics of Children, Demography and Sanitation in Study Environment Tulang Bawang Barat Regency

Anjar Sriyani, Khairun Nisa Berawi, Samsul Bakri, Hari Kaskoyo


The problem in this study is a diarrheal disease which is the second cause of death in children under five years and has killed around 760,000 children every year. The cause of diarrhea is influenced by several factors, such as the characteristics of children under five (age, sex, body weight, weight growth), habits or behaviour of care and family, basic sanitation, and the condition of the home environment. This study aims to develop a model and conduct public policy analysis to reduce the incidence of diarrhea through the development of models of maternal care, maternal demographics, characteristics of children under five and environmental sanitation of the incidence of diarrhea in children under five in Tulang Bawang Barat Regency.Samples taken were 300 children under five. Data collection techniques using secondary data sourced from data from the District Health Office of Tulang Bawang Barat, and questionnaires. This study uses a causal relationship approach that is linear. The postulated model chosen was Linear Log with the response variable using a binary scale, i.e diarrhea versus no diarrhea. Given a score of 1 if a sample has diarrhea and if not given a score of zero. The results show that: This model can be used to predict the incidence of diarrhea against 20 predictor variables which include demographic variables, maternal care variables, and environmental sanitation variables which significantly influence the incidence of diarrhea. Forms of programs that can be proposed 1) Nutrition Counseling; 2) provision of food assistance & Fortification of extension sources; 3) Procurement of communal toilets; and 4) Counseling of composting proposed funding sources through the village budget, APBD/APBN budget.


Characteristics of Children Under Five, Maternal, Demographic and Environmental Sanitation, The Incidence of Diarrhea.

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