Developing a Module of Science Learning Media Using Microsoft Power Point 2016

Desy Husmita, Bukman Lian, Nila Kesumawati


This study produced a science learning media using PowerPoint 2016 software media with material styles that are valid, practical, and have effectiveness on student learning outcomes. This research method uses research and development methods. The product development model refers to the Dick and Carrey development model with the ADDIE model concept, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The products produced from this research are in the form of a module using the Microsoft Power Point 2016 media in science learning. This development research was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Sekayu. Data collection techniques used Validation Sheets, Questionnaires, and Tests. Based on the feasibility of experts consisting of material experts, linguists, and media exspert, it can be concluded that the module using Microsoft Power Point media in science learning is in the good category and is suitable for use as learning media.

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