The Development of Mathematics Learning Devices Based on Numbered Heads Together to Improve the Problem Solving Skills for Students Grade VII Junior High School

Yerizon Yerizon, Nirfit Datul Azizah, Hendra Syarifuddin, I Made Arnawa


The purpose of this study is to produce learning devices that are valid, practical and effective based on cooperative learning model, numbered heads together (NHT) type. NHT is a learning model where every student in a heterogeneous group has a different number. Seeing the typical type of NHT is the numbering of each student so that the type of NHT is suitable for students to be more responsible for the subject matter. The development model used is the Plomp development model, which consists of three phases. The tools to be developed are the lesson plans (known as RPP) and student worksheets (known as LKPD). The results of this study were  RPP and LKPD was valid, practical, and effective.


Numbered Heads Together Model; Mathematical Problem Solving Skills

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