Performance Evaluation of Procurement Department in a Cement Industry

Mian Muhammad Saqib, Misbah Ullah


Procurement practices aim at ensuring that organizations get value for money when committing their expenditure. This involves the firm meeting its strategic objectives by purchasing the required goods and services from the right suppliers in an efficient manner. The company under this research is one of the cement industries of Pakistan with the annual dispatch of 45 million tons of cement. For this research Interviews were conducted, data were collected from a software used Sap, collected data were filtered and desired information was retained for research work and were analysed and gaps were identified in the process followed,  and also future recommendations for the remedy of these gaps were made. Departmental and parts wise analysis were done which were further subdivide for proper analysis and results. The research objective of this study was to evaluate the procurement process followed by the organization and identify gaps. The research was done for the fiscal year 2017-18. Collected data were presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs.


Supply chain management , procurement

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