Improvement of Thematic Learning with Approach Problem-Solving in Class III SDN 122/11 Rantau Keloyang Sub-Districts of Bungo Jambi

Kameludin Kameludin, Taufina Taufina, Syahniar Syahniar


The purpose of this research describes the implementation of the thematic learning process with the use of problem-solving approach, then describe the learning outcomes of students in the thematic learning process with the use of the problem-solving approach in class III SDN 122/11 Rantau Keloyang sub sub-districts Weatherat Sub-districts Bungo Jambi. This type of research is class action research (PTK) or Action Research. This study was conducted at SDN SDN 122/11 Rantau Keloyang sub sub-districts Weatherat Bungo Jambi. The subject in this study was a class III student of 22 people, lasting from October to November 2019. The first research procedure of initial reflection, planning, implementation of the action, observation, and reflection. The data analysis techniques used in this study are interactive analyses. The interactive analysis approach has 3 components, i.e: 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) withdrawal of compulsion or data verification. The results of the research are seen in the planning of thematic learning using the method of problem-solving compiled in the form of learning Implementation Plan (RPP) tailored to the curriculum, improved planning method problem solving seen results 86.6% in cycle II to 93.1% in cycle II. The teacher aspect of the results obtained in the cycle I of meeting 1 was 70.5 and meeting 2 became 85.29. The result of the cycle I increased in cycle II at meeting 1 was 88.23 to 97.09. The increase also occurs in the student aspect where at cycle I of meeting 1 were obtained 67.6 and 76.47 results at meeting 2. The result was increased again on cycle II at meeting 1 was 88.23 to 96.7 in cycle II meeting 2. The cycle I result of cognitive study average grade 72.0 increased to 85.00 on cycle II, the affective aspect on the I cycle average class 66.34 and increased 85.79 on the II cycle, as well as an increase also occurred on the psychomotor aspect of the 66.79 on cycle I to be 83.31 on cycle II.


thematic learning, problem-solving

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