The Influence of Academic Culture, Management Knowledge and Interpersonal Communication on Decision Making by the Head of Private Islamic Colleges in Jambi Province

M Nurzen S, Mukhtar Mukhtar, Martinis Yamin


This study aims to test whether there is an influence between the variables of academic culture, management knowledge and interpersonal communication on the decision making of the Head of Private STAI in Jambi Province. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The writer finds something new or novelty from this research, namely: academic culture, management knowledge and interpersonal communication have a considerable influence on decision making. Where previous research has not been found that directly discusses these four variables. So that the red thread can be drawn, if the academic culture is good, management knowledge is good, and interpersonal communication is well developed, then the right decision making will be realized and will have an impact on the quality of PTKIS in Kopertais Region XIII Jambi.

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