The Role of Village Funds to the Development Area in the Sub-District of West Bilah, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Faizal Amanda Nasution, Prof. Erlina SE, M.Si., Ph.D,Ak.CA, Dr. Drs. Rujiman MA


The Village Fund is an implementation of the fulfillment of village rights. The priority of the use of the Village Fund is aimed at 2 (two) areas, Village Development and Village Community Empowerment. This study aims to analyze the Role of Village Funds on Regional Development in the Sub-district of West Bilah, Labuhanbatu regency and to determine the difference in average income before and after the implementation of Village Funds. The research was conducted in three villages of Bandar Kumbul, Tanjung Medan, and Janji village in Bilah Barat sub-district of Labuhanbatu regency. The data analysis used in qualitative method consists of data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification and conclusions. In the quantitative method used is a variance test with the help of SPSS program version 22. Result of research indicate that there is role of village fund to development area at sub district of West Bilah of Labuhanbatu regency in research location, that is: Bandar Kumbul village, Janji village and Tanjung Medan village. Village funds are prioritized for village development in the form of infrastructure development such as roads, ditches and suspension bridges. For the income of the community before and after the implementation of the village funds shows that there is a significant difference in average income of the society in Fiscal Year 2015 in the subdistrict of West Bilah Labuhanbatu district in Bandar Kumbul village, Janji village, and Tanjung Medan village. The average income of Fiscal Year 2015 has a mean difference..


Regional Development, Village Fund, Village Development and Community Empowerment.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Faizal Amanda Nasution, Prof. Erlina SE, M.Si., Ph.D,Ak.CA, Dr. Drs. Rujiman MA

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