Preliminary Quantum Chemical Analysis of Synthesized Monomers with the Participation of Vinylacetylene

Nazarov Shomurod, Akhmedov Vokhid, Olimov Bobir


Предварительный Квантово-Химический Анализ Синтезированных Мономеров С Участием Винилацетилена

It known that the physicochemical properties and reactivity of all molecules depend on their electronic structure and energy state. Today the discovery of various mathematical modeling methods in chemistry has opened up the possibility of planning and predicting any chemical reactions in science especially in chemistry as well as conducting targeted studies of organic compounds. Based on this the article examined the electronic structure of paracresol and its vinyl derivative from monohydric phenols and quantum chemical calculations were performed. This paper examines and presents the results of quantum chemical calculations of paracresol and its vinyl derivative β-(4-methyl phenoxy) butadiene-1,3 molecules, the spatial geometry and electronic structure obtained using the semi-empirical method РM3.

Preliminary Quantum Chemical Analysis of Synthesized Monomers with the Participation of Vinylacetylene


Vinilacetylene, Paracresol, РM3 Semi-Empirical Method, Monomer, Polymer, Monohydric Phenol.

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