Analysis of Related Factors With Elections Childbirth Methods on Inpatients of Setio Husodo Hospital Kisaran in 2017

Usti Fina Hasanah Hasibuan


C-section is the process of childbirth the fetus through the incision of the abdominal wall and the uterine wall. Cesarean section is performed when the mother is unable to deliver vaginally, which can be caused by an abnormality. And the incidence of cesesaria section surgery at Hospital in Kisaran Year 2016 is 239 people. This study aims to analyze Factors Related With Selection of Childbirth Methods of Section Caesarean On Inpatient. The type of research is cross sectional quantitative research. With a sample size of 85 people, the sampling technique is accidental sampling. The results showed that the majority of mothers chose the childbirth method by Section Caesarean (81.2%), age 25-35 years (81%), parity> 2 times (74.1%), with birth complications (63%), doing ANC ≥ 4 (81.2%), husband and wife agreement (68%), and elective (65.9%). There was a correlation between childbirth age (p = 0,036), complication of childbirth (p = 0,001), birth history (p = 0,000), antenatal care (p = 0,002) with selection of section caesarean childbirth method in hospital patient Setio Husodo Kisaran. The result of multivariate analysis with logistic regression test showed that the complication of labor was the strongest variable related to the selection of section caesarean childbirth method. It is advisable to the hospital to perform regularly and scheduled in counseling and counseling at the time of the mother's ANC, so that the mother before childbirth can make a careful choice in taking a childbirth action.


Election Childbirth Method; Section Caesarean; Mother.

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