Determinants of the Menstrual Cycle of Midewifery Students Level I And Ii at High School Health Science (Stikes) Mitra Ria Husada, East Jakarta in 2016

Maidina Putri


The purpose of this study was to study and explain the description and factors related to the menstrual cycle in I and II  level midewifery students at STIKes Mitra Ria Husada East Jakarta in 2016. This study used a quantitative approach with cross sectional design. The entire population used in this study was 83 people. The population of this study were midwifery students at STIKes Mitra Ria Husada East Jakarta level I and II, which observed from age factor, stress level, diet, lifestyle, sport and family history. Based on bivariate analysis with Chi square test obtained results from 83 respondents there are 52 respondents (62.7%) experienced irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In multivariate analysis using simple logistic regression, the main cause factor is stress, where respondents who experienced severe stress with irregularity of menstrual cycles that is there are 78.3% with p-value 0,000 which means there is a significant relationship between stress and menstrual cycle . It was concluded that stress is the dominant variable with menstrual cycle, after being controlled by family history and lifestyle. This research can be taken into consideration to pay more attention to scheduled lectures that have been established, whether burdensome students who study at the institution. STIKes is deemed necessary to socialize how to divide the time to perform daily activities by dividing time to rest and adding knowledge about healthy lifestyles for the students.


Student; Menstrual Cycle; Stress; Family History; Lifestyle.

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