The Issues of Human Factor and Human Relations in the Concept of “Organizations as Organisms”

Gulyamova Saodat Tolibovna


Human factor and human relations are the most important peculiarities in management. According to the results of researches were spent by fund of Carnegie and then Technology Institute of Carnegie, calling leader`s attention to human factor is 85 % of finance success, the rest of 15 % is achieved successes through technique and technology [Карнеги Д. Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей. Как развить уверенность в себе и добиться влияние на людей путем публичных выступлений. Как перестать беспокоиться и начать жить. М – 2002, c 20]. John Rockefeller said that having aptitude to talk with employees is as important as buying products (for example, sugar and coffee). Continuing explaining his opinion, he said he was ready to pay high price to have that aptitude. Mary Kay also said a manager should talk with his employees like they expect from him and this is one of the ways to achieve success in business [Турдимов Ж., Музафаров Д. Королевство Мэри Кэй. Экономическое обозрение. 2004. № 7 (59)]. T. Peter and R. Waterman advised to managers to appreciate the people taken on work and take care of them. He also said not to direct your attention to finances and introducing automation into the production than employees. G. Ford II also said in one of his speeches that he was sure if we could solve problems bound up with persons, we would achieve successes.

Referring to a person as a main factor in a corporation is so important. The American sociologist and psychologist George Elton Mayo worked up a doctrine about human relations in an enterprise. Paying attention to employees in an enterprise was a main idea of that doctrine because Elton Mayo realized that psychological and social factors in an enterprise are more important than other ones. As he said, if social and psychological demands in a person were satisfied, an employee would work hard at his work. Several experiments were conducted by Elton Mayo to find out the causes of alienation in employees and to answer questions about labor capacity and productivity of labor in enterprises. Those experiments had been spent in several enterprises of “Western Electric” company during 1892-1932. At first, experiments were conducted to answer questions about repayment and protection of labor. However raising the wage of employees in enterprises and improvement of the system of protection of labor didn`t bring raise of the productivity of labor. The experiments had been conducted in six groups for 2.5 years and one important fact was found out by experimenter that employees produced 300 kinds of products. Thus, the conclusion was that the cause of labor content was not high wage.

So nowadays it is very important to pay attention to employees as a main factor for developing an enterprise. It is also necessary to appreciate, respect and trust them as a producer. According to this fact, in this scientific article is discussed the issues of human factor and human relations in the concept of “Organizations as Organisms”.

Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan,


Organization; Organizations As Organisms; Organism; Motivation, Encouragement; Reward.

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Карнеги Д. Как завоевывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей. Как развить уверенность в себе и добиться влияние на людей путем публичных выступлений. Как перестать беспокоиться и начать жить. М – 2002, c 20.

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