Traditionalism and Similarity in Ibni Davlat`s Works

Toshniyozova Dilfuza Polvonovna


In this article one can be informed about Ibni Davlat who could make contributions to the development of Uzbek classic literature traditions in the 20th century, who could underline classic and religious views that had been formed for hundreds of years in his works, who could create a lot of works based on the similarities in topics, motive and contents, who could write couplets according to methods and ideas of classic poets, who could reflect lyrical melody and the motives of remembering Allah and religious education like in the works by Navoi, Huvaydo and Haziniy. The beauty of poet`s works can be seen in the harmony with the ghazels by Navoi, Huvaydo and Haziniy, in the traditionalism and similarity that exists in the classical literature of the East.


Tradition, Similarity, Literary Heritage, Religious Education, Topic, Motive And Contents, Lyrics, Method, Idea, Tatabbu` Ghazel, Radif.

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