Need Analysis to Develop of Biology Practical Guide Based on Science Process Skills for Student of Senior High School Grade XI
Application of Curriculum 2013 aims to improve students’ mindset through learning. Biology learning involves three dimensions as scientific attitude, process and product. In fact, biology learning tends to pay more attention at product than scientific process. Biology learning should take into account at scientific process, in which the students should be able to build their own knowledge actively through series of activities of meaningful learning process. One of way to achieve scientific process is by applying Science Process Skills (SPS) as the students’ SPS can be increased during learning. Learning process would never separate from teaching material; one of them is practical guide. Thus, the researcher did descriptive research to see the need to develop of biology practical guide based SPS for students of Senior High School. From the analysis of data that has been done can be expressed the results of this preliminary research are: First, the practical guidance used in the school is still in the form of student worksheet, text books, or worksheet separate activities that their validity, practicality, and effectiveness are not being examined yet. Second, the practical guide used in the school does not apply a certain learning approach as students’ SPS don’t developed maximally. Third, learning takes more priority product s rather than the s of the science process. Fourth, students’ competence of in developing SPS in learning has not been trained. Fifth, practical guide does not appropriate with the contents standard in the Curriculum 2013 and sixth, the biological practical guide based SPS is not available yet.
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