Interactive Multimedia Development using Ispring Suite 9 Application in Natural Sciences Learning of IX Grade in Junior High School

Maisyarah Purnama Sari, Dr. Ridwan M.Sc. Ed.


Learning support facilities at State Junior High School 5 Panyabungan, North Sumatra Province are adequate for the learning process, but the innovation of learning implementation has not been optimized by using technology. Industry Development 4.0 has greatly assisted teachers develop the latest technology-based teaching media to save space and time. This study tried to equalize technology-based learning facilities in rural areas to be equivalent to the urban ones. This study aimed to find out the development and feasibility of interactive multimedia using the Ispring Suite 9 application for learning outcomes in Natural Sciences subject. Form of learning utilizes computer devices, that are operationalized offline and individually. This type of research was Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model. Assessments of media experts, material experts, linguistic experts, students, and teachers were used as research data and analyzed with descriptive percentages. Analysis technique of gain-test data was performed to find out the increase in student understanding.

This research generates interactive learning multimedia. A student rating of 90% indicates that students are motivated in learning. Teacher ratings of 95% indicates that multimedia is very helpful for teachers teaching. The results of the study show that interactive multimedia using the Ispring Suite 9 application on Natural Sciences subject is can improve student understanding.


Interactive Multimedia; Ispring Suite 9; Natural Sciences Learning.

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