The Influence Factors of Participatory Communication in the Development of Entrepreneurship Behavior in Enbal Casava Processing

Risyart Alberth Far Far, Amiruddin Saleh, Musa Hubeis, Djoko Susanto


The people of Southeast Maluku district have their own uniqueness food compared to other communities in Indonesia by processing bitter cassava into traditional food which in the local language is called Enbal. The potential for developing enbal in increasing the people's income is responded by the local government by forming a small industrial group processing enbal. The purpose of this research is to describe the characteristics of the processing of waste, the availability of local food information, the support of institutional support, participatory communication and entrepreneurial behavior, and then to analyze the factors that influence participatory communication in the development of entrepreneurship behavior in the processing of enbal. The study was conducted in Southeast Maluku district by taking data conducted in a census of the entire population of small-scale processing industries in Southeast Maluku district, totaling 127 processors. Primary data collection techniques were carried out using a questionnaire and secondary data obtained from relevant agencies from the district government of Southeast Maluku. The results showed that the age of the processor is dominant in the productive category with a low level of education and adequate experience, a wide enough land area. In general, the majority of the level of motivation for the processing of enbal is in the high category and the level of the airport is low. The level of availability of local food information is not available. The level of institutional support for local small-scale food industry is not optimal because it is in the medium category. The level of participatory communication of the recipient processing has generally been participatory. Entrepreneurial behavior possessed by enbal processors in the district of maluku Tenggara is mostly in the high category. Factors that significantly and positively influence participatory communication are individual characteristics and institutional support. The participatory communication factor also significantly and positively influences entrepreneurial behavior Participatory communication is reflected by dialogue, voice, liberating-pedagogy, and reflection on action.


Enbal processing, entrepreneurial behavior, participatory communication

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