Challenges of Implementation of Learning Policy from Home in The Covid-19 Pandemic Period in the State Elementary School of Rengat City

Agusminarti D, Dharma Gyta Sari, . Rusdinal, . Nurhizrah, Neng Sholihat, Gustia Angraini


The spread of coronavirus disease (covid-19) has reached parts of the country and region including indonesia which finally requires various aspects to take immediate action as an effort to prevent wider transmission, including in the field of education. Based on this matter, the government through the ministry of education and culture took firm action by issuing circular letter (se) number 4 of 2020 concerning the implementation of educational policies in the emergency period of the corona virus spread. This paper discusses the implementation of educational policies at state elementary schools of rengat during the covid-19 pandemic related to the policy of learning from home. Implementation of learning from home through not face to face teaching / online teaching is one of the ways in its implementation has not been effective in general. It was found that there were various problems in its implementation faced by teachers, parents and students, as well as learning facilities in the state elementary school of rengat.



Keywords – Implementation of Learning Policies from Home, Covid-19 Pandemic, State Elementary School

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