Analysis Characteristics of Junior High School Students Grade VIII 12 Padang with Ethnomatematics nuances through Problem Solving Models

Radhiatur Rahmi, Hendra Syarifuddin



            Based on a literature study and preliminary analysis conducted at the Junior High School 12 in Padang state, the ability of mathematical problem solving and student involvement were still low. The low ability to solve mathematical problems of students were caused by (1) Lack of learning resources, (2) Activities in teacher’s lesson plan do not lead students to be active and can find their own mathematical concepts learned. Based on this problem, the researcher developed a mathematical learning tool based on Ethnomatematics Mathematical Problem Based Learning (PBL) to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities.

            This research was a development research conducted with the Plomp development model. The Plomp development model consists of three stages, namely preliminary investigation, prototyping and assessment phase. In the preliminary investigation phase, it needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis and student characteristics analysis to be carried out. At the prototyping phase, a formative evaluation is carried out consisting of self-evaluation, expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small group, and field tests. The tools developed are lesson plan and worksheet based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Ethnomatics nuances. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII SMPN 12 Padang. Data were collected by documentation, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data from the results of observations, questionnaires and tests were analyzed quantitatively reinforced by the results of documentation analyzed descriptively qualitatively.

            The results of the study indicated that the mathematics learning tools in the form of lesson plan and worksheet based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) Nuanced Ethnomatematics for class VIII of the second semester of junior high school are produced fulfilling valid, practical and effective categories. Validat in terms of content, presentation, linguistic, and graphic. Practical in terms of implementation, time, ease of use and effective in terms of its potential impact on the mathematical problem solving ability and the involvement of students. The conclusion is mathematics learning device is worthy to be used as a reference material in mathematics learning, especially the material for building the flat side of class VIII of Junior High School number 12.


Problem-Based Learning (PBL) with Ethnomatematics nuance, Problem Solving Ability.

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