Farmer Behavior on Productivity of Rice Farming in Indonesia (Case Study Local Farmers in Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, and Java Transmigrant Farmers in Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Province)
The objective of research is to analyze farmer behavior on productivity of rice farming and to find out factors influencing this relationship. Two places are selected as research location. One is Southeast Minahasa Regency in North Sulawesi Province , and the other is Central Maluku Regency in Maluku Province. Method of research is survey supported with questionnaire and depth interview. Analysis technique includes quantitative descriptive and qualitative descriptive analyses. Result of research indicates that farmer behavior on productivity of rice farming is different in two provinces observed. However, in general, the behavior of farmer in these two provinces is directing toward increasing productivity of their farming. Rice productivity of local farmer in North Sulawesi has reached two folds than that of Java transmigrant farmer in Maluku Province.
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