Principal's Leadership in Improving Teacher's Work Ethic in Primary School

Slamet Sutoyo, Yasir Arafat, Yessi Fitriani


The role of a school principal is very important in determining the success of an education. The good and bad of school organization depend on the leadership pattern of the school principal. The principal must be able to build a high work ethic for his employees in this case namely the teacher. This study aims to determine: 1) Principal leadership in improving the work ethic of teachers in SD Negeri 17 Pulau Rimau, 2) Leadership of principals in improving teacher work discipline at SD Negeri 17 Pulau Rimau, 3) Leadership of principals in improving teacher morale at SD Negeri 17 Pulau Rimau. The data source of this study amounted to 10 people, namely the principal, 9 teachers. The research method uses qualitative with the data collection technique is interview. The results showed that: 1) The headmaster's leadership in improving the work ethic of teachers at SD N 17 Pulau Rimau has been done in various ways such as trying to create a conducive work environment, good cooperation for each school component, providing appropriate salaries, communicating and providing adequate facilities for both teachers and students in the learning process, 2) Discipline of work at SD N 17 Pulau Rimau has been implemented by the teacher, but there are still running some who are less disciplined in attendance due to various reasons and interests of each individual, 3) The principal has performed his role for increase teacher morale. This is made clear by support such as trying to create a comfortable learning environment, taking into account the needs of teachers, and providing opportunities for all teachers to improve their competence.

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