An Evaluation of Literacy Program For Improving Students’ Achievement

Istikomah Istikomah, Muhammad Kristiawan, Dessy Wardiah


This study aimed at evaluating the implementation of the literacy program in SD Negeri 6 Pulau Rimau, to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of the literacy program and how the solution was developed in the literacy program. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative. The implementation of the literacy program in SD Negeri 6 Pulau Rimau in general was relevant with the literacy handbook published by the Ministry of Education and Culture 2016. Supporting factors of the school’s literacy were adequate facilities and infrastructure as well as support from teachers to students. The inhibiting factors were the lack of motivation from students, the delay in attending school and the lack of picture books. The solution to the obstacles is maintaining the cohesiveness of the literacy team, the motivation of the school and parents to students.


Evaluation, Literacy Program, Students’ Achievement.

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