Analysis of the Impact of Investments on Economic Growth in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Syahta Perdamenta Barus, Prof. Erlina. SE.M.Si. Ph.D.Ak.CA, Dr. Rujiman MA


Economic growth is one of the benchmarks in determining the level of progress or development of a country or region. But there are different factors which have impact on the rate of economic growth. In North Sumatra Province there are many determining factors in influencing the economic growth rate of the area. This study aims to analyze the impact of investment on economic growth in the Province of North Sumatra. The research method used is quantitative research using time series (2011-2015) and cross section (33 districts/cities in North Sumatera Province). The results of this study indicate that, simultaneously investment variables have a significant impact on economic growth in North Sumatra Province. Partially, found that investment variable have positive and significant impact on economic growth in North Sumatera Province.


Investment, Number of Workers, Government Expenditure, Economic Growth

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