Emotional intelligence

Gulzoda Faizyeva


In this work, a retrospective analysis of the problem of the study of emotional intelligence has been carried out. Based on the review of sources, it is concluded that the interest in the emotional sphere of the person was already typical for the thinkers of antiquity, who at that time debated about the ratio of affective and rational in the person. The views of ancient philosophers on the nature of emotions had a significant impact on the ideas of scientists of subsequent eras. An analysis of the preconditions for the emergence of the term "emotional intelligence" and the reasons for its rapid spread has been made. The terms are similar to those used by various authors, whose work highlights various aspects of the problem. The essence of emotional intelligence has been clarified, its contents have been revealed, and the most well-known definitions are presented.


Emotions, Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Sphere, Emotional States, Emotional Manifestations, Emotional Intelligence Dimension, Emotional Coefficient (E), Activity, Motivation, Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Empathy, Emotional Management, Ed

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v19.1.1652


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